2013 Pride Parade (continued)
July 28, 2013
When the parade began Walter led us onto Market Street behind Scott William’s Volvo convertible which was carrying San Francisco philanthropist Alvin H. Baum, who was honored as the Pride Parade’s Lifetime Achievement Grand Marshal.
The crowd lined the sidewalk from curb to storefront. As we proceeded up Market Street the enormous crowd became more and more enthusiastic. The crowd greeted us with waves, wide smiles, cheers, catcalls, hand signals, and numerous compliments. We returned the enthusiasm with our distinctive honking horns (ah-ooga), the Red and White pick-up police siren, as well as waves and smiles of our own. We traveled the parade route in about a half hour’s time and then turned south and headed for our traditional picnic site at the UCSF campus in Mission Bay, just south of the AT&T ballpark off of Third and Sixteenth Streets.
Walter brought Molly Stone sandwiches and a variety of salads and side dishes and sodas. Beer, fine wine, and great champagne were contributed by Scott Nealey, Arnie and Annise Brokstein and Fred and Kathy Allen. We lunched at our usual spot, shaded in trees on artfully crafted park benches and chairs. The afternoon winds were diverted by large attractive modern steel and glass buildings which are coming together to make up the new Medical Campus of the University of California. And to our relief, all this is just a short walk from clean nearly new rest room facilities.
We enjoyed our lunch, congratulated ourselves on a job well done, and spent the remaining afternoon in casual conversation. Once again a great time was had by all.